Saturday, June 27, 2015

Dolled Up Days 
You know i love those days where i can lay back and just enjoy the day and then afterward be able to go out to dinner with my family and enjoy some crazy talks, many laughs, and maybe trying to not to pull out my hair because of my parents and little cousin. So during this beautiful day my family and i decided to take a break from just laying in bed and doing absolutely nothing and get ready to go to dinner!! YAYY FOOD!! i mean who doesn't love food?!!

The bag is my moms and she let me borrow its a very old bag so i don't know where its from. Food: P.F Changs Jean jacket: is True Religion Shoes: Baker Romper: H&M  

Friday, June 26, 2015

New, Love & Obsessed 

     For the last couple months I've been obsessing with getting a planner and i didn't know which one to get and how the prices varied. Last week as i was walking through out my local mall, I went into paper source and i was just wandering around i saw that they had a planner  section.They had a variety of planner but two planners that caught my eye were the  Lily Pulitzer agenda in larger and a planner in larger which was the 17 month one from August 2015-December 2016. Which i bought and i adore! Im currently obsessing over it and i went all out crazy buying supplies at the dollar stuff which turned out to be a very economic way to get many supplies for decorating your planner. Im very excited to start using my 2015-2016 planner.